
A Safe, Discreet, Reassuring Environment – a Testimonial

  • June 27, 2024

As someone who is quite new to BDSM and only had a few visits with another professional Mistress, Mistress V immediately put me at ease with her openness to talk through my feelings and past experiences before the session began. I was reassured that it was okay to have submissive feelings and to explore them with her. The session allowed me to experience fantasies and ideas in a safe, discreet and reassuring environment whilst being pushed to really discover more about myself. I felt Mistress V took a perfectly calculated approach to dealing with my obvious hesitations whilst making sure my nerves/anxieties didn’t spoil having a good time and discovering more about myself. This feeling of relief and lightness after having been to see Mistress V is exactly what I hoped for. Instead of repressing ideas and feelings that I have felt ashamed of in the past, Mistress V helped me to accept them and enjoy them for what they are. And for that I am incredibly grateful.

I can honestly say Mistress Vs photos do not do her justice as she is more beautiful face to face than I could ever have imagined.

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