Mistress provided me with an excellent re-introduction to the dome scene after a few years absence.
I had done HS before but not for a few years. We agreed Mistress would stand over me and deliver onto my chest. I would then clean her ass with my tongue as toilet paper. Pissing would be no problem, gulp, gulp !
Mistress delivered quickly. Warmth covered my chest and neck. Mistress lowered her ass to my face and I reached up with my tongue to clean her. Mistress then teased her delights in and around my mouth. I tried. I consumed , a little , I think. I hope Mistress was pleased ?
The second part of the session was largely devoted to my alter ego. Paula Cockslut. A wannabee cock hungry spunk whore. I have been wanting to develop her for some time and hope Mistress may just help with that now. I wore black opaque stockings. Had I found my fishnets I would have painted my toenails pink. Never mind , Mistress applied red lipstick to Paula, a slutty maids dress and pink peep toe high heels. Mistress then provided Paula her big black cock. If only it were real thought Paula who greedily sucked on it before being given a flogging and then a fucking with a small cock Paula had brought with her. Paula then performed foot worship and as a human ashtray and foot stool before being given opportunity to ‘finish herself off’ which she failed to do – she would much rather finish other cocks off nowadays !
Paula hopes to become a cock sucking bukakkee cum slut and hopes Mistress might just hep her achieve that status.
Maybe a fuller feminisation next time ? The more feminine, the sluttier, the more (hopefully real cock Paula can take).
Thank you Mistress. Paula Cockslut xxx