I arrived in the car park awaiting to see Mistress. To my delight a message get up here now of course I almost run up the stairs to be greeted by Mistress get undress slave then get over the bench , you been naughty 4lb gained that’s 2 strokes A lb of everything I have Mistress said as I was secured a gag was fitted and then Mistress counted every stroke I believe was 4 or 5 items as subspace took over me .as Mistress released me now remember slave everything you put in your mouth is it worth the strokes of 2 per lb now on your knees worship my nylons feet I was hooded but my mouth went to work on Mistress lovely feet massage them as I went to work on them . Next I was told to go over to the medical bench once secured I couldn’t move a inch blindfold fold on Mistress used electric on my cuck I couldn’t See what Mistress done but wow was in fantasy land it was bliss believe me Mistress done some breath control with Mistress clothed hand wow what a sensation I was in heaven Esmeralda belongs to Mistress V as I com thank you Mistress xxx