Beyond my wildest dreams – a Testimonial
- July 7, 2020
This was my first visit to Mistress V since the start of the Coronavirus crisis, having been in the fortunate position of having had the pleasure of Mistress’s company the week before it all hit the fan. I was keen to continue my journey of exploration through BDSM with Mistress V as my guide and mentor. As soon as it became probable that indoor meetings with appropriate social distancing was acceptable, I arranged to renew my relationship, accepting that it might be different given Mistress’s strict Covid-19 precautions. As such, I was filled with a certain degree of apprehension when I rang the bell. Why did I worry! Mistress opened the door with a wide smile and greeting, stood back and sprinted up the stairs to stand at the top like the welcoming angel she is, with a broad grin and proffering a surgical mask. Following her up the steps, I donned the mask and after a couple of minutes exchanging pleasantries, I was directed to store my clothes, shower and re-present myself in the dungeon wearing nothing but my mask while Mistress changed.
Mistress entered, resplendent in a tight black latex mini dress and black six-inch heels. ‘Slave, we’re going to stretch your limits today’, she huskily and sensually intoned in my ear as my collar was put back in its rightful place after nearly 4 months of absence. Quiver!!!!! Gulp!!!!! ‘Yes Mistress, Thank You Mistress’. And that set the scene for the most incredible couple of hours.
Mistress produced a long length of partially knotted soft red rope and proceeded to swiftly and skilfully truss me like a Turkey, hands and arms to sides, with C and B separated for the inevitable CBT I knew would be forthcoming. A joyous start to proceedings!! Ushered into Mistress’s vertical cage, my legs were bound to the bars on the side, forcing me forward onto the bars and exposing all my sensitive bits to my Lady’s tender ministrations. Nipple clamps with little pails were attached and jangled to get the sensations going, while strong fingers, riding crop and a vibro were applied lower down. Swapping the clamps for screw down clamps, the torment continued enhanced by flicks to the clamps from Her fingers and crop, growing in intensity until I started shaking as Mistress skilfully started to guide me into subspace.
Unfastening the ropes binding my legs, Mistress swiftly ordered me to her bench, still bound in the soft red rope, where I prostrated myself for Her pleasure (and mine to be honest!). Legs strapped in, the gentle hand smacking commenced, growing in intensity and cadence as I revelled in the feel of Mistress’s touch on my buttocks, with the occasional swat of my C and B to keep them interested in the proceedings. Mistress then produced her new paddle (the one with ‘SLAVE’ embossed in it) and proceeded to increase the tempo and intensity of the caresses. By now, the world was floating and my buttocks stinging. Mistress sashayed in front of me and peering over the top of my mask, I could see she was wielding her new riding crop. I knew what was about to happen. We’d never gone more than a few taps with something stronger than the paddle before, but we certainly did with the crop. It is indescribable – the sharp thwack, the immediate hot sharp sting, then an increasing sense of tenderness and heat, coupled with a swimming of the senses. I found I was thanking Mistress after each stroke – exhilaration and pain all merged together.
Mistress then decided it was time for some anal play and soon I was enjoying the feel of Mistress as she prepared me for receiving a long black dick (no, not the 12”, this time), which Mistress slowly and gently eased into my man pussy. As I became used to the length and girth of Her dick, Mistress started to work it back and forwards, making sure it was liberally lubed to ensure the smooth backward and forwards movement. Producing the vibro again, massage was applied to my C and B as Mistress thrust backwards and forwards. I had to call a halt to the vibro as the sensations building, (even in subspace) were becoming too overpowering for me to be able to control. Eventually, trembling and shaking, Mistress relented and unstrapping me from the bench, untied the binding while I stood, shaking and trembling in front of this Goddess. With genuine care and compassion, Mistress asked if I was okay. I could only dumbly nod ‘Yes Mistress’ as the sensations continued to pound through my body.
‘Now, Slave, into the medic room and lie on the bench’. Mistress was once again back in control and I moved with alacrity to obey her, clothed in nothing but my mask and willing my body to respond to her command. Ensuring I was comfortable on the bench, Mistress informed me we were about to play with needles. ‘Oh S***’ was my immediate thought, but at the same time filled with a perverse thrill at the thought of giving my body to Mistress as a pin cushion. Mistress suggested a blindfold, to which I gratefully acceded – the thought and sight of a needle normally makes my knees fold. With my eyes bound, but all else free, Mistress carried on a normal conversation, her hand caressing my legs, abdomen and chest until there was a sudden hot pain in my right nipple as she drove a needle through the skin at its base. Did I yelp – you bet I did! This continued for a few minutes until I ended up with a needle in each nipple, and half a dozen or so strategically placed around my C and B. Mistress gently teased and tweaked all of them, noting that my now erect member seemed to enjoy the sensation. Still blindfolded, I had to agree that the sensation was quite incredible. A growing tension was spreading down into the base of my groin which was unexpected, given the size of the needles. Telling me to take my blindfold off, Mistress directed my attention to the needles in my nipples, then at the base of my C and B: the tension was immediately obvious – with characteristic sadistic mischievery, Mistress had taken the opportunity of my blindfold and relative motionless to insert an 8 inch steel sound into my throbbing member. Toying with that for a few minutes, Mistress produced the thickest in her set and proceeded to encourage me to absorb the whole length, which after some gentle persuasion on Mistress’s part I was able to do. Incredible sensations all the way from tip to base.
Removing the needles and sound, Mistress next produced her new e-stim kit. With the hoops tightened around my shaft, Mistress played with the power until a constant throbbing was pulsing through me. The power was adjusted until it was just below the threshold of real pain, but certainly more than a gentle stroke. At this point, Mistress decided that I’d done enough breathing, and holding her hand over my mask covered nose and mouth, started to engage in breath play, while simultaneously varying the strength and rhythm of the estim. Telling me to tap the bench when I could go no longer, we continued in this scenario for what seemed like an eternity; between the distraction of the estim and Mistress’s voice I was just starting to see stars when the pressure was released and I could once again look into those beautiful blue-gray eyes. Mistress had timed it to perfection, such is her awareness of her techniques and care for her co-conspirators – I was just about to succumb and tap the bench.
Sitting down again beside me, Mistress placed one of her shapely, well-toned legs on my chest and ordered me worship her feet. What a pleasure to caress and pamper those sexy size 5’s with turquoise nail polish while Mistress used the estim to encourage me to greater efforts. Mistress proffered her other foot, and while caressing the original foot and leg with one hand, my mouth was employed to provide an alternative means of massage for the newly raised leg and foot.
Mistress seemed pleased with my efforts, as, leading me back to the playroom, still with the estim leads attached, I was offered a champagne refreshment. How could I refuse such an offer? Positioning my head in the appropriate position in the box and with the estim still pulsing away, Mistress bestowed me with what must have amounted to a goblet of her golden nectar. On previous occasions, I confess to having spilt some, but on this occasion, I was able to enjoy nearly every drop of the pure, distilled, sweet tasting liquid. Thank You Mistress.
Moving back into the medic room, Mistress told me it was my time to start doing some work and that I should massage her shoulders and back to work out the knots she had developed by being so kind to me earlier. What a pleasure that was, to stand over Mistress, gently kneading and massaging coconut lotion into that beautiful back, stroking and stretching the toned muscles that lay under the fine, delicate skin, and hear Mistress moan and sigh gently with the effect I was having and the pleasure I was bringing to her.
And so, my tale ends here.
Was I worried about visiting Mistress from a safety perspective? Absolutely not! Having read and understood the precautions Mistress had been proposing, I was delighted and heartened to find that they were being followed to the utmost practicality; face mask, showers, clothes storage and towel disposal all as described on the website. As I left, Mistress was busy cleaning the playroom and sterilising the toys we had used in the session.
Was I worried that the session would be a bit flat given the apparent restrictions? Yes. Was it? Absolutely not! The structure and play was orchestrated by Mistress in such a way that the mask had virtually no effect what so ever on the experience.
How was the session? We hadn’t discussed it beforehand, nor as we met at the top of the stairs. I have always deferred to Mistress, as my Mentor and Guide. Did the session meet expectations?
No – it surpassed even my wildest dreams!!
Mistress said she would stretch my limits and she certainly did! More intense and varied impact play,enhanced anal play with needle-play and breath-play both added to the session for the first time, along with the exhilarating pleasure of Mistress’s company truly elevated this to a transcendental experience. From end to end, the session was brilliantly choreographed, taking account of my previous experiences and comments passed in response to Mistress’s brilliant daily aphorisms. The planning and execution was absolutely brilliant, as was Mistress’s attention to detail and concern for my well being throughout.
Mistress V is truly a highly skilled, talented and totally professional Dominatrix. First timers need not be afraid – my first visit was only nine months ago when I tentatively entered Mistress’s Chambers – my next visit is in the diary. Follow my journey with Mistress V in her blogs.
Thank You, Mistress. Stay Safe and Stay Well. I am Honoured and Humbled to be Your sub.