
Beyond my wildest dreams – a Testimonial

  • July 7, 2020

This was my first visit to Mistress V since the start of the Coronavirus crisis, having been in the fortunate position of having had the pleasure of Mistress’s company the week before it all hit the fan. I was keen to continue my journey of exploration through BDSM with Mistress V as my guide and mentor. As soon as it became probable that indoor meetings with appropriate social distancing was acceptable, I arranged to renew my relationship, accepting that it might be different given Mistress’s strict Covid-19 precautions. As such, I was filled with a certain degree of apprehension when I rang the bell. Why did I worry! Mistress opened the door with a wide smile and greeting, stood back and sprinted up the stairs to stand at the top like the welcoming angel she is, with a broad grin and proffering a surgical mask. Following her up the steps, I donned the mask and after a couple of minutes exchanging pleasantries, I was directed to store my clothes, shower and re-present myself in the dungeon wearing nothing but my mask while Mistress changed.

Mistress entered, resplendent in a tight black latex mini dress and black six-inch heels. ‘Slave, we’re going to stretch your limits today’, she huskily and sensually intoned in my ear as my collar was put back in its rightful place after nearly 4 months of absence. Quiver!!!!! Gulp!!!!! ‘Yes Mistress, Thank You Mistress’. And that set the scene for the most incredible couple of hours.

Mistress produced a long length of partially knotted soft red rope and proceeded to swiftly and skilfully truss me like a Turkey, hands and arms to sides, with C and B separated for the inevitable CBT I knew would be forthcoming. A joyous start to proceedings!! Ushered into Mistress’s vertical cage, my legs were bound to the bars on the side, forcing me forward onto the bars and exposing all my sensitive bits to my Lady’s tender ministrations. Nipple clamps with little pails were attached and jangled to get the sensations going, while strong fingers, riding crop and a vibro were applied lower down. Swapping the clamps for screw down clamps, the torment continued enhanced by flicks to the clamps from Her fingers and crop, growing in intensity until I started shaking as Mistress skilfully started to guide me into subspace.

Unfastening the ropes binding my legs, Mistress swiftly ordered me to her bench, still bound in the soft red rope, where I prostrated myself for Her pleasure (and mine to be honest!). Legs strapped in, the gentle hand smacking commenced, growing in intensity and cadence as I revelled in the feel of Mistress’s touch on my buttocks, with the occasional swat of my C and B to keep them interested in the proceedings. Mistress then produced her new paddle (the one with ‘SLAVE’ embossed in it) and proceeded to increase the tempo and intensity of the caresses. By now, the world was floating and my buttocks stinging. Mistress sashayed in front of me and peering over the top of my mask, I could see she was wielding her new riding crop. I knew what was about to happen. We’d never gone more than a few taps with something stronger than the paddle before, but we certainly did with the crop. It is indescribable – the sharp thwack, the immediate hot sharp sting, then an increasing sense of tenderness and heat, coupled with a swimming of the senses. I found I was thanking Mistress after each stroke – exhilaration and pain all merged together.

Mistress then decided it was time for some anal play and soon I was enjoying the feel of Mistress as she prepared me for receiving a long black dick (no, not the 12”, this time), which Mistress slowly and gently eased into my man pussy. As I became used to the length and girth of Her dick, Mistress started to work it back and forwards, making sure it was liberally lubed to ensure the smooth backward and forwards movement. Producing the vibro again, massage was applied to my C and B as Mistress thrust backwards and forwards. I had to call a halt to the vibro as the sensations building, (even in subspace) were becoming too overpowering for me to be able to control. Eventually, trembling and shaking, Mistress relented and unstrapping me from the bench, untied the binding while I stood, shaking and trembling in front of this Goddess. With genuine care and compassion, Mistress asked if I was okay. I could only dumbly nod ‘Yes Mistress’ as the sensations continued to pound through my body.

‘Now, Slave, into the medic room and lie on the bench’. Mistress was once again back in control and I moved with alacrity to obey her, clothed in nothing but my mask and willing my body to respond to her command. Ensuring I was comfortable on the bench, Mistress informed me we were about to play with needles. ‘Oh S***’ was my immediate thought, but at the same time filled with a perverse thrill at the thought of giving my body to Mistress as a pin cushion. Mistress suggested a blindfold, to which I gratefully acceded – the thought and sight of a needle normally makes my knees fold. With my eyes bound, but all else free, Mistress carried on a normal conversation, her hand caressing my legs, abdomen and chest until there was a sudden hot pain in my right nipple as she drove a needle through the skin at its base. Did I yelp – you bet I did! This continued for a few minutes until I ended up with a needle in each nipple, and half a dozen or so strategically placed around my C and B. Mistress gently teased and tweaked all of them, noting that my now erect member seemed to enjoy the sensation. Still blindfolded, I had to agree that the sensation was quite incredible. A growing tension was spreading down into the base of my groin which was unexpected, given the size of the needles. Telling me to take my blindfold off, Mistress directed my attention to the needles in my nipples, then at the base of my C and B: the tension was immediately obvious – with characteristic sadistic mischievery, Mistress had taken the opportunity of my blindfold and relative motionless to insert an 8 inch steel sound into my throbbing member. Toying with that for a few minutes, Mistress produced the thickest in her set and proceeded to encourage me to absorb the whole length, which after some gentle persuasion on Mistress’s part I was able to do. Incredible sensations all the way from tip to base.

Removing the needles and sound, Mistress next produced her new e-stim kit. With the hoops tightened around my shaft, Mistress played with the power until a constant throbbing was pulsing through me. The power was adjusted until it was just below the threshold of real pain, but certainly more than a gentle stroke. At this point, Mistress decided that I’d done enough breathing, and holding her hand over my mask covered nose and mouth, started to engage in breath play, while simultaneously varying the strength and rhythm of the estim. Telling me to tap the bench when I could go no longer, we continued in this scenario for what seemed like an eternity; between the distraction of the estim and Mistress’s voice I was just starting to see stars when the pressure was released and I could once again look into those beautiful blue-gray eyes. Mistress had timed it to perfection, such is her awareness of her techniques and care for her co-conspirators – I was just about to succumb and tap the bench.

Sitting down again beside me, Mistress placed one of her shapely, well-toned legs on my chest and ordered me worship her feet. What a pleasure to caress and pamper those sexy size 5’s with turquoise nail polish while Mistress used the estim to encourage me to greater efforts. Mistress proffered her other foot, and while caressing the original foot and leg with one hand, my mouth was employed to provide an alternative means of massage for the newly raised leg and foot.

Mistress seemed pleased with my efforts, as, leading me back to the playroom, still with the estim leads attached, I was offered a champagne refreshment. How could I refuse such an offer? Positioning my head in the appropriate position in the box and with the estim still pulsing away, Mistress bestowed me with what must have amounted to a goblet of her golden nectar. On previous occasions, I confess to having spilt some, but on this occasion, I was able to enjoy nearly every drop of the pure, distilled, sweet tasting liquid. Thank You Mistress.

Moving back into the medic room, Mistress told me it was my time to start doing some work and that I should massage her shoulders and back to work out the knots she had developed by being so kind to me earlier. What a pleasure that was, to stand over Mistress, gently kneading and massaging coconut lotion into that beautiful back, stroking and stretching the toned muscles that lay under the fine, delicate skin, and hear Mistress moan and sigh gently with the effect I was having and the pleasure I was bringing to her.

And so, my tale ends here.

Was I worried about visiting Mistress from a safety perspective? Absolutely not! Having read and understood the precautions Mistress had been proposing, I was delighted and heartened to find that they were being followed to the utmost practicality; face mask, showers, clothes storage and towel disposal all as described on the website. As I left, Mistress was busy cleaning the playroom and sterilising the toys we had used in the session.

Was I worried that the session would be a bit flat given the apparent restrictions? Yes. Was it? Absolutely not! The structure and play was orchestrated by Mistress in such a way that the mask had virtually no effect what so ever on the experience.

How was the session? We hadn’t discussed it beforehand, nor as we met at the top of the stairs. I have always deferred to Mistress, as my Mentor and Guide. Did the session meet expectations?

No – it surpassed even my wildest dreams!!

Mistress said she would stretch my limits and she certainly did! More intense and varied impact play,enhanced anal play with needle-play and breath-play both added to the session for the first time, along with the exhilarating pleasure of Mistress’s company truly elevated this to a transcendental experience. From end to end, the session was brilliantly choreographed, taking account of my previous experiences and comments passed in response to Mistress’s brilliant daily aphorisms. The planning and execution was absolutely brilliant, as was Mistress’s attention to detail and concern for my well being throughout.

Mistress V is truly a highly skilled, talented and totally professional Dominatrix. First timers need not be afraid – my first visit was only nine months ago when I tentatively entered Mistress’s Chambers – my next visit is in the diary. Follow my journey with Mistress V in her blogs.

Thank You, Mistress. Stay Safe and Stay Well. I am Honoured and Humbled to be Your sub.

A Fantastic Session

  • July 3, 2020

had a fantastic session this morning with a sub I’ve not seen for over a year, I do love when they revisit.
locking his cock into his cage, you are going to wear this throughout the session you are mine now slave, putting the keys inside my bra, I tell him to get over the bench
strapping him down, I lightly scratch his back moving down his body to his balls, cupping his tight balls in my hand I twist them! this is what balls are made for slave, abusing!!
i then thrust my hips against his arse as if I were fucking him, oh yes mistress
moving around to the front of the bench I put his head in between my thighs and proceed to spanking him, not hard but enough for the colour to rush to his cheeks
you like your head between my legs don’t you slave?
teasing him with my movements, I go back behind him, gloves on and lube applied
i going to tickle your butt hole slave, he seems to like this! inserting one finger I penetrate his anus.
wish it was a real cock don’t you.? yes mistress, another time slave.
using the pinwheel on his balls, lightly at first 😈
unstrapping him from the bench I put him in the toilet box
I’m going to sit on my toilet while I watch you relieve yourself, then you must clean yourself up!! didn’t take him long before he was exposing
hardly surprising with the view above him.

Triple Domination!

  • July 1, 2020

time for my greedy cock sucking slut to arrive, upon opening the door, there it’s stood all glammed up, blonde wig white summer dress stockings and high heels
get your slutty arse up them stairs, i’ve got a couple of surprises for you!!
once it applied more red lipstick she was ready!
come in here you filthy cock sucker!
i’m going to put you in the cage while i prepare for your surprise!
i hear the gate slam, here’s a light beverage for you to drink while i let your surprise in, lovely refreshing piss!
once it’s drunk, i go downstairs and let my female sub in
Are you ready?
my f sub joins us in the playroom
over the bench you go! i’m going to warm your cheeks with a good hard hand spanking, my slut over there can watch!
once her cheeks were glowing i released this hungry eager slut out
get between her legs and kiss her arse after each stroke of the strap, if it’s not to my liking you’ll suffer
nestling it’s greedy head in between her thighs he begins to kiss her glowing cheeks, i then make it lick her pussy, which she seems to be enjoying, to much lol
slow down bitch it’s not a race, with that i give my slut a very hard stroke with the strap not once but several times
now get up and sort yourself out!
taking my f sub from the bench, i order my slut to lie down
my sub is going to sit on your face
you aren’t going to do anything except smell her anus, nice deep sniffs
once i’m satisfied my sub can get dressed, you can get back in the cage and wait!!!

once my sub had left, my second surprise was now on his way
today you are going to meet paula tall leggy brunette
who also likes to suck cock
my god once paula arrived my slut was so excited, cock cock mistress i want cock!
all in good time slut!
paula enter…

My first time seeing a Mistress

  • June 30, 2020

My very first time seeing a Mistress , I was looking on the internet and click onto Mistress V internet page and thought perfect Mistress for me so I emailed and booked a session. Was very nervous but Excited too when entering to meet Mistress V she smiled and said come in go upstairs to have pre chat about session then I got told to get Undressed and crawl on my hands and knees and then Mistress V came in said on my feet so did what was asked and got my cock and balls tired up and both hands Chuffed behind my back and told to Spread and the Crop and paddles on my cock and balls and a spiking wheels on them too . Mistress V said I’m off to get my cigarettes she came back smoking and sat down in a chair and told me to come closer my cock got a bit too excited and Drooled all over Mistress V foot got told to lick the cum off Mistress V foot so i did and then got some smoke blow in my face also cigarette torture on my balls i could feel the heat off the cigarette Ouch . Then got some nipple torture and weights put on my balls and more paddles on my cock and balls ,next was over the Bench I was chuffed and strapped now with arse sticking up ready for some paddles then the cane sets of 10 i did 3 sets so 30 in total Ouch it did Sting a bit . Then got told to go in another room and lay down on bench really for sounding and metal rod was down my cock Shaft then Electric Metal rod down my shaft Certainly feel the Electric . Then Mistress said you’ve being a good boy deserve a treat Mistress V milking me off then told me to finish it off Mistress V was smoking another cigarette blowing the smoke in my face cigarette torture on my balls too Mistress V Sat on my face and said finish it and Grabbed my balls and said finish it and I did . I will be back for second session Mistress V was fantastic.

A Testimonial from a nervous newcomer

  • June 30, 2020
Went to see mistress as a newbie was nervous knock on the door got a warm welcome sat down and talked about what I wanted to try if I didn’t like something just say she said went next room stripped waited mistress walked. In short skirt nice we did rope play then anal was surprised how much I could take then did a bit of watersport great then my first time with sounds what a feeling  will come again to try other things I was very nervous but once though that door was made to feel safe and friendly she will listen and take her time with you very unrushed will try. Other things out even when she said will let some slaves fuck you would even be willing to do that  just take that first move and you’ll never regret it 

A Testimonial

  • June 24, 2020

This was only my second visit of two hours to see Mistress V, largely because I have moved 140 miles away, but the memory of my first visit remains so potent that I knew I had to see her again before I burst with frustration. I have previously tended to go for large, curvy, even full-figured women in the past because of my trampling/crushing fetish but what Mistress V presents as a very slim Mistress who more than compensates for size with inventiveness, a sensuality which oozes out, a sadism which is obvious and extreme and assured safety, so I felt very safe under her command. She could read me so well.

I had asked Mistress to wear a very short tight styled mini-skirt and a selection of shoes/boots with the most evil heels so that she could really hurt me when she trampled on me. When I arrived, she had dressed according to my fantasy in a black PVC mini-skirt and thigh length black boots with high thin stiletto heels. She restrained me on the floor and on my back and proceeded to trample all over me, digging in her heels at certain places and then going on to jump up and down on me, eliciting several gasps of pain, awe and adoration. She really was that gorgeous. She then ordered me to lie on my front and handcuffed me behind my back, thus rendering me defenceless. She proceeded to give my back the same treatment.

From there, wearing a pair of high stiletto heeled shoes she moved me on to her St Andrew’s Cross to which she strapped me. Her torture methods were face slapping, spitting, pinching and twisting my nipples, burning my nipples and balls with a cigarette, mocking, humiliating, taunting and laughing at me. She was so alluring as she exacted her torture upon me.

From the cross, we moved back to the floor. For this part of the session, she wore some shoes with high chunky heels and a lot of evil spikes jutting out from all parts of the shoes, particularly the uppers. She used these spikes to gouge the flesh all over my body, really ripping into me and leaving real scratches. That was my choice and the bruises and scratches which Mistress gave me are, to me, real trophies from my visit. She is one sexy woman and is both the best sadist and the best tease whom I have visited over a course of many years. I hope to return again as soon as possible.
Thank you so much, Mistress.

A Testimonial

  • June 22, 2020

I want to explore BDSM. I want a life in BDSM. Yes I do. I dream of these things, I research the internet, I like many posts on twitter. Ultimately though I have to take a step. A step into the dark world of BDSM. I choose carefully. Mistress V seems perfect. Intellectual yet filthy. Caning, whipping, toilet training, degradation whilst dressed in a hot dress and designer high heels. I arrange. 5 days before I get cold feet after a night of wine, surfing the same posts that got me interested. She assures me. I’ll look after you she says. I arrive. I did it. Clothes off, shower, she tells me from beyond the door to crawl like a dog to the play area. Rope bondage including my dog balls as she calls them against the cross. I am immobilised. Ball kicks, cock whipping, flipped for ass and back whipping. Relentless so much so I have to beg for water. I am severely marked. She gives me a sip before dowsing me in water. More punishment subsequent. Next time I’m going to fuck your ass. Stretch you and fit all my cocks in you. But your caning isn’t finished yet bitch. Bloodied marked I shower post session. We chat afterwards and love our work. She knows i’ll be back for my anal training.

Testimonial from a Human Toilet

  • June 22, 2020

Mistress V’s dungeon is ideally located in a detached house with off-street parking.

She looks as wonderful as seen on Her website gallery, and is friendly, intelligent and welcoming.

I consider myself to be an experienced toilet, but on this occasion She managed to push me beyond my comfort zone. I left wondering if I wanted to do ‘this’ any more, but in less than 24 hours I was craving Her again.

Thank You Mistress V for taking me to a new extreme.

A fantastic Session Dominating a couple

  • June 22, 2020

today I had my couple coming for a severe whip thrashing!! I’d chatted briefly to the gent on the phone previous to our meet, on his likes and dislikes, and more to the point his partners likes.
on arrival they both looked nervous stood on the door step shaking lol come inside we can go upstairs where we can have a little chat leave your nerves at the door!!

Upstairs we started chatting, his partner joined in now and again with what she’d like to watch, she explained that, that was all she would like to do today, watch her partner take the thrashing of his life!!

fantastic, now I know we can make a start, you take yourself in the bathroom and shower, your wife can sit on my bench, while he was in the shower his wife told me that they play a lot at home and have also played in a dungeon before but never included a dom in their sessions.

fantastic I was so excited by the thought of being watched by his wife, it some how made me feel more superior.

after showering, it came into the play room, wide eyed and excited

your wife tells me, when she tries to kick you in the balls you wriggle a lot, not today i’m going to tie you up and strap you to my cross, once strapped securely you will take your lashes with dignity, if I hear you make a sound i’ll gag you!!

looking over at his partner, she too was getting excited

after the first strike she yelled yes!!! this is what I want, I want to watch you hurt him more mistress.

after giving him a good hard thrashing, I take him from the cross and strap him to my bench time for the cane.

20 strokes with 3 different canes from mild to hard, I love total power control, but never like this!

wife’s fancy treating your partner for some kinky fun, book a session I enjoy controlling both 😈😈

A Testimonial from paula

  • June 15, 2020

I booked a two hour session with mistress v ive been seeing her for over a year now and each time gets better well i arrived on time as i dare not be late for her i got my clothes together what I was going to wear then got out the car and rang the bell my heart was beating faster , i waited a moment and heard Mistress open the and with the greeting of GET UP STAIRS SLUT I then rushed up stairs then Mistress with that glint in her eyes said get in the room and get ready which i did i dressed in my cat suit thigh boots and wig then she said when your ready come in to my room ,i entered the play room where she said walk round slut i like to see this time mistress was dressed in black PVC dress and shoes with a surgical mask on i have the bench ready for you slut get your arse over it now so i can tie you down which i did she then tied me and collared me my heart at this time was racing not knowing what was going to happen to me the only thing i could hear was the tip tap of her heels as she was preparing mmmm i am going to warm you now slave she said i then new i was going to get punished she feed me my poppers then the cane which i took like a good girl i am going to fuck you with my strapon soon slut she said then she ordered me to fuck her bench like a slut which pleased her she then fucked me hard with her strapon and made me clean it with my mouth afterwards then i was untied then ordered into the medical room lay down on the bench slut she said i did as told right bitch she said time for sounds and electro play she then put electrodes on my cock and balls and with a smile turned on the unit which had me jumping poppers please Mistress i ask ok slut she said the she lub up my cock and inserted the sounds small at first working up to the bigger ones i wanted to cum there and then but that would mean more punishment she then showed me the electro sound boy was that big and still with the glint in her eyes she pushed it in what a feeling wow then Mistress allowed me to cum Thank you Mistress i said every session with mistress v gets better and better i am glad to be her slut

Thank You Mistress V
your slut paula xxx

Enforced Hard Sports

  • June 14, 2020

Toilet boy arrived this morning, early morning breakfast with light beverage
We had a discussion previous to the session, how my toilet wanted to push its limits with the Scat play
Usually having my shit smeared all over his body, today he wanted to be forced to eat it
Remembering the last time it tried, it wasn’t successful, it wasn’t tied tight enough, well today he’s not getting a choice, enforced consumption is a privilege, one I will bestow upon my shit eater today
I’m going to use ropes today potty mouth and my bondage board, you’ll not be able to move your body, if you move your head in the toilet box I will simply pick it up and make you eat it ,
Tying its wrists and thumbs before it lies on the bondage board
Securely bound, I ask it to try and move, I can’t miss 😂😂 I love it when my plans come together
Head in box
I walk around him while I smoke a cigarette, telling it
There’s no escape now,
I might start with your beverage, but we will see what comes first
Crouching over its face, I feel a piss coming, open potty mouth
Swallow my piss
Moving it’s head in the box the piss is spilling over its face
Are you ready for breakfast shitty mouth? Open wide breakfast shall be served
Looking down into the box
Your moving your head again,
Pushing my bottom further down over its mouth, I lean forward and squeeze its nipples as I’m doing this it opens its mouth, another piece of shit lands on its lips open,
He’s refusing, I can’t miss, I can’t
I’ll have to encourage you lighting a cigarette I lightly touch his nipple with it and with the other hand I get a piece of shit albeit the tiniest piece and push it into this shit eaters mouth ,, Eat it ,, Swallow it, It’s only the size of a Malteser
Placing my hand over its mouth he swallows it
Now I want you to shit yourself

Double Session

  • June 9, 2020

Opening the door to my sissy all geared up to meet my female sub for a double session,she’s excited to say the least, up you go slut! my f sub is on her way, I’d like you dressed and ready before she arrives

10 minutes later, I was back downstairs letting my f sub in

You wanted me to surprise you today, get undressed your surprise is upstairs waiting for you

Reminding her of things we’d discussed previously to this session

Starting with my slut, she’s dressed in her thong and stockings drooling at the thought of my f sub
Get in there and over my bench you filthy whore!
As I’m strapping her down, in comes my f sub, big grin on her face
Once I’ve strapped this bitch down I’m going to spank her and I want you to join in, do you think you can manage that! Yes mistress
Spanking my slut in turn was great fun, I then get my slut from the bench and strapped her to the cross
Turning to my f sub I order her over the bench pushing it over to the cross she gets over and I strap her down
I want you to tickle my sluts tiny balls while I spank you, if you don’t tickle them how she likes it you will receive a good caning, now get tickling
My slut wasn’t wriggling and giggling and much as she usually does
Not good enough, I did warn you what would happen
She took 50 hard strokes of my favourite cane, lovely red bottom, she deserved her stripes today
I unstrap my slut from the cross
Get around here slut, her Pussy as dripped all over my floor, get on your knees and lick it up!
Hungry greedy sluts soon on her knees licking and slurping it up
Now clean her arse!
Giving my slut a stroke from the paddle
I said clean it, pushing her head deeper into her arse
She wants your tongue deep inside so you can taste her shit!!
I won’t go into detail of what happened next as I’d like you to use your imagination 😈😈 fancy a session with my female sub! Book a session

Foot Worship Session

  • June 4, 2020

Foot worship slave arrived eager to lick my feet

Handing it the face mask I tell him to put it on and strip off right where it’s stood, doing so I go upstairs to prepare myself

Slipping on my very expensive Louboutins shoes I order it to worship! Make sure you pay extra attention to my spikes, foot licker

It started at Sucking on my heel as if it were a cock, take my shoe off and start sucking my toes, once you’ve sucked them you then will move onto my soles

Cleaning my feet, I tell it to lie on the floor mouth wide open

Let me slide my sexy size 5s in to your hungry mouth.

Greedy boy managed to get both feet into its mouth, impressed!!

Now massage the balls of my feet slave, I’ll then allow you the privilege of reliving yourself over my feet, but you will be made to clean up all your mess

Once he shot his waste over my feet, I grabbed it by the hair and made it lick every last drop up from the floor, clean feet clean floor, happy Mistress happy foot licker

Probably the safest place to be – testimonial

  • May 22, 2020

Like many people, I’ve found the Covid-19 lockdown period frustrating due to it being impossible (and of course too risky) to have a session with a Mistress anywhere in the UK. Recently, I’ve noticed that a few Mistresses have started tentatively taking sessions again, but I’ve resisted having a session due to the risks. Then I read the Covid-19 precautions set out by Mistress V. Wow! At last, a Mistress who understands the epidemiology and biology of viral transmission so well that in my opinion, catching the virus at her place or passing it on to her is virtually impossible. She has an entire page of her website dedicated to the precautions she takes.

I booked a session with Mistress V, and during the booking process she reiterated her Covid-19 precautions and stated that she will only session with someone who accepts them in their entirety. That gave me a lot of confidence. As a matter of fact, I have to say that I felt safer at Mistress V’s chambers than I’ve felt anywhere else since the virus burst onto the scene. This meant I could enjoy the session unencumbered by thoughts of viral transmission.

Initially, I wasn’t sure how I would react to us both wearing a mask during the session, because for me, being able to see the Mistress’s face during the session is important. In fact, the masks didn’t detract from my enjoyment at all. Mistress V has the most beautiful eyes, and has the most perfect figure, dressed immaculately and is incredibly sexy and sensual. The masks actually helped, due to the feeling of safety and the air of mystery they engendered.

The session itself was magnificent, delivered by a Mistress who clearly loves what she does and who puts her all into ensuring you enjoy every second of the session. Mistress V is clearly highly intelligent, insightful and perceptive. She probes deeply into your mind, excising and understanding every last bit of your submissive psyche, leaving no stone unturned.

If you want the best possible session, with no risk of catching or transmitting Covid-19, Mistress V is the gold standard to which everyone else should aspire to. Mistress V’s dungeon is probably the safest place to be right now.

A Wonderful Mistress

  • May 19, 2020

This was my 5th session with this wonderful woman: domme mistress, yes and able to give acute pain, but a shelter in a critical and often unfriendly world.
At my last session in February my lady introduced me to real cock and ball needle play. I recall, that she put 25 or more in , including 2 into the penis h head: no pain and a sense of pride. This session we were going to progress towards sewing my weeny ( these days) cocklet into my ball sac, But, I had not got and surgical needles, thread and scalpel ( to cut the sewn knots). So next time.

But I progressed through a number of new(to me) games: violet wand around tits, bum, arsehole, inner thighs and cock and balls. I was not expecting it and the shocks were a shock and painful for a micro second. They seem to leave no marks so I recommend them to any slave who cannot carry incriminating evidence back home.

I had started with a new spiked cock restraint, the spikes on the inside so that they pressed painfully and meaningfully into my cock flesh. I loved the pain. I got excited but the restraint limited the ability to provide evidence.

My lady also twisted, pulled and generally caused enjoyable and painful pleasure.

I love NCBT.

I worshipped my lady’s legs, arse and cunt mound but with her knickers and my mask that didn’t drive up the pleasure level.

Then time for punishment. 7 instruments, 1 Tawse, several paddles, different sizes and weights, several canes and of course hand spanking. I am a squealer and I voiced my pleasure and pains at the treatment. I think that my lady did 7 sets each of 15 strokes. Some were pretty heavy and I yelped but, I could have taken more and could have left with a satisfyingly scarred, whealed bum, but it is just glowing red. So, my lady, more strokes. And harder. MARK ME.
AND SO ON TO ARSE EXERCISES. I have my own pyramid dildo/plug . It goes to a 9.5 cm diameter at the bottom !!! Wow, I am at the 3rd from last biggest circle and I love sitting on it the riding it soft, hard, for a good 15 minutes. No fissures . Take time. Lots of lube and care; my arse was trained to bigger than ever before. I aim at double fist and elbow deep or more.

Then the finale. Scat snack. Lie back, open mouth, arse hole pouts and twinkles then opens: a 2.5″ softish but nicely shaped turd followed by 3 or 4 more, but smaller. They tasted creamy and sweet. My lady had eaten sweetly stewed apple and sponge with creamy custard. The best scat I have tasted, chewed and swallowed in my erotic journey.

I left carrying, not wearing, a cock chastity cage and lock which I will try. If I can manage it I will put it on, lock it and post the keys back to my lady. The idea thrills me.

I drove home wearing my lady undies under tracky bottoms and a pully, with a clean pair of size 8 ( oooh, tight) knickers that ride deep into my arse crack. I am alway aware that I wear these very provocative knickers. They keep my cocklet clit tight in place and provoke my arsehole into twinking and letting out a little greasy liquid to let me know that I need to be fucked.

When the lockdown is over I shall be at several swinger clubs on gays bi and a TV, TS sessions ready to be fucked by as many as can do me in a couple of hours,

I love being a slut whore and my lady has brought me to this peak of eroticism.

A Testimonial

  • May 12, 2020

This was my first visit to MISS V and I was both excited and very frightened parking was easy off street

I had given MISS V a letter as part of my fantasy role play she fully understood my fantasy and did I suffer over 150 strokes of various instruments of pain I was chained to her whipping bench and after a hand spanking warm up paddles, straps, crops, whips she administered well over 150 strokes my bottom red raw from her punishment sadly she was going to give me 100 of the cane I did try but even without a safe word (I trusted her) I only manged about 10 she, as a good professional dominatrix knew when to slow down and stop

MISS V then placed my micro penis in a spiked frame and tightened it till I begged for mercy she ignored me she then used a crop on my micro penis while still in spiked frame MISS V proceeded to video my micro penis, as well as being severally chastised and humiliated I was asked if I wanted a happy ending but as a good submissive I refused.

MISS V was so happy with me she will allow me to visit at least once per month it is such an honour to become one of her submissive for once in my life I feel wanted …

thank you so much MISS V

The Letter

  • May 12, 2020

My Naughty boy has arrived, letter in hand from his mummy, come inside boy!
Pass me the letter I want to see what your mother has written
Reading the letter his mother explains why she’s sent her naughty son to my office for his punishment

Looking on the internet at porn and playing with his penis, she then begins to tell me how she would like him to return home with a very sore bottom, also to hurt his small penis, so he won’t want to play with it again.

Once he’d undressed I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before me!
I have never seen anything like it!
The tiniest penis ever!
How on earth do you manage to play with something you can’t see?
Shrugging his shoulders he doesn’t answer
Over my bench boy! I’ll ensure you this, by the time I’ve finished with you you’ll never look at porn again
Spanking him until his bottom was a lovely pink I move on to my straps, starting with my soft leather one before moving onto the more heavier ones

All the while while I’m inflicting his punishment his protesting his innocence
“If I’d have known what my mummy had put in that letter I would have never come “
Laughing I tell him, “I’m just warming up boy “ you will take your punishment “
Swishing the cane in the air, crashing down onto his now very red bottom 10 of the best should do the trick before I use my new riding crop, I do love the sound as it makes on contact

When he can take no more I unstrap him
Get of the bench, it’s time for you to meet jaws!! My fantastic spiked wooden cbt device

Clamping his balls into the device and screwing it down, he gasps as I tighten it, ouch! It hurts.
It’s meant to hurt, how are you meant to learn if it doesn’t?

Shall I put you over my bench again? “No miss I’ve learned my lesson “
Then my job is done, get dressed, when you get home I want you to show mummy your bottom and if she thinks you’ve not learned your lesson you will have to return, for a more severe punishment

He will be back as like the rest before him he can’t resist!

Adult Baby Play

  • May 12, 2020
My adult baby (twiddle) will soon be arriving, he will bring his milk, juice and nappies with him
Once he arrives he goes straight to the bathroom to get changed
Nappy on,dummy in his mouth he’s ready for mummy to feed him
As I pour the milk into the baby bottle 🍼 twiddle starts to rub his pathetic tiny cock
What are you doing?
Leave your tiny cock alone until I tell you otherwise, now sit on mummy’s lap with your head back and drink your feed
Stopping after he’d drunk an ounce, I check his nappy to see if he’s had any accidents
Yes just what I thought, you’ve pissed your nappy you naughty boy, turn over with your bottom in the air, doing as he’s told I rip the nappy of, and slap his arse, wriggling, are you!! , I’ll soon sort that out my dear boy
With one of my legs I wrap it over my baby’s legs, you won’t be able to move now twiddle slap slap slap
After 10 hard slaps, I put his wet nappy back on, you can suffer in your dirty nappy while you eat your din dins
Opening a jar of his favourite mushy food, I spoon feed him
After you’ve had your dinner you can have a nap
Do not poo in your nappy or I’ll make you eat it
That isn’t a threat he knows what the consequences are if he does, he will eat his own waste as I’m his mummy and mummy knows best..
He did make a mess with it all in his teeth, pissing in his baby bottle I pass it to him, drink this and get that shit of your teeth, it’s time you went home, get in the shower once you’ve drunk all mummy’s nice warm pee
Then I’ll put you a clean nappy on to go home in That’s a good baby 👶

A hour session with My female sub

  • April 16, 2020

3 hours of total power exchange with my female sub, she arrives on time as usual, never late this one, bell rings, I’ve a lot of plans for her today.

Opening the door I order her in, on your knees bitch while I collar you!

Taking her straight in the downstairs dungeon, I set up the vac bed while she gets undressed, thought I’d start with some bondage first, she loved the vacbed while inside I tease her clit with the vibrator, building her up to orgasim, and boy does she squirt!!

Her juices flowing, I carry on until she’s spent, time for you to come out, I’ve not finished with you yet. You know I love to give your arse a good thrashing don’t you? Up you go, straight over the bench!

I’m going to give you a judicial caning, you’ve not had one yet and I’ve decided it’s now time! You’ve got to earn those stripes!!

Starting with the thinnest of my canes I proceed to give her, her first strokes.

After the 20th I move on to a more thicker cane, the sound on impact is music to my ears another 20 before moving on to my more severe canes, in total she takes 120, I show no mercy to my bitch, because she’s exactly that my bitch

Sliding my strapon inside her now soaking wet pussy I fuck her like I’ve never fucked her before hard and fast, moaning beneath me for more

When she can no longer give any more of her juices I unstrap her

Time for your whipping!

Once strapped to the cross I lightly flick the whip across her back, she gasps, straightening her back, ready for the next strike, I encourage her to take more for me, clasping one hand on her breast

I whisper in her ear, you are my pain slut, you will take more for your mistress, until I decide when you’ve had enough

Stepping back with the whip, I crack it hard across her back and again and and again, sweating I take her down to the Medical room

She’s well in sub space at this point

I finish her of with needle play, and electrics

A fantastic time was had, she emerged from the bathroom glowing , beaming smile

She thanked me for an amazing session

You’re very welcome my dear bitch xx

Fantastic Webcam and Phone Domination Sessions!

  • April 6, 2020

What a busy Sunday I’ve had on WhatsApp and phone calls.

My first call was a hard sports video call, positioning my camera in the bathroom and get ready to make the call. I squat waiting for my poo to push down before releasing it onto some tissue I’d placed on the floor, telling my new toilet slave how I’m going to tie him with rope so tight he can’t move, placing his head into my toilet box I feed him.

Pausing for drinks of my fine nectar, I can tell this is arousing my toilet on the other end of the call, you may now relieve yourself, once you’ve eaten all my poo and clean yourself up shit breath!!

My next caller, trampling slave.

Lie down on the floor slave I’m going to use you as my human carpet starting with my highest sharpest heels, face down !

Scraping my heel all over your body laughing while I do so, leaving my mark on you pleases mistress, when I’m satisfied you’re going to turn over, I’ll take my shoes off and give you some sensual bare feet cock and ball teasing, when you cum you can lick it all off my perfect size 5 feet

Want to have a chat with mistress or even a video call? Skype? Have a look on my website for the details

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